Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Tonight I noticed that Eight O'clock Coffee had a new design. I have to ask why. Every Friday night as a child(1953 to 1957) my job was to go to the coffee grinder which looked like a machine gun nest surrounded by bags of coffee beans. Yellow bags for something ? Circle, black for Bokar and Red for Eight O'clock. I'd give the man a five pound bag of eight O'clock coffee beans  and ask him to grind it "drip". The rest of the time in the store I would breathe in the heavenly smell of the fresh ground beans, I always wanted coffee to taste like it smelled. I never enjoyed coffee as an adult even though I drank a cup in the morning until I tasted French roast coffee and then Italian espresso. The Starbucks hit the scene and I realized that The darker the beans the more I liked the coffee.

Recently I started to mix lighter, cheaper beans with the french roasted in order to save money. (There is a war on you know) And tonight I found I was mixing Eight O'clock with the french roast except, Some "brilliant" marketing/brand manager I'm sure educated at the finest university with a  undergraduate degree in advertising or mass communication and probably a MBA decided that the package needed to be redesigned. Probably because sales were down. Not factoring in the fact that A&P's are not around anymore and there now happens to be over 50 different coffees around now, some with advertising. When was the last time you saw and Eight O'clock ad. Redesigning the package was a colossal waste of time and money. Oh I'm sure the backed up their reasoning with plenty of facts and figures but it was all BS.

All they need to say was The Red Bag has been around for 150 years, making it older than long-established brands like Maxwell House (1892) and Chock full O'Nuts (1926) as well as relative newcomer Starbucks (1971).

Attention Marketing Idiots,Your new bag looks like S__t!
There was nothing wrong with the red bag